10 October 2008

Fasting Slow

Yesterday was Yom Kippur. As per tradition, I fasted from Wednesday sundown to Thursday sundown, at which point I went to a wonderful break-fast at a dear friend's house back in Newton, MA. I always associate break-fast with bagels smeared with cream cheese/piled high with lox, and also my favorite Jewish dish, noodle kugel (which is akin to a sweet version of lasagna sans tomato sauce). However, this year I decided to make a little something extra. I went to the blog, The Jew and the Carrot, which tackles 'Jews, food and contemporary issues', figuring it might have some good advice. I didn't find what I was looking for, but a stuffed figs recipe sparked an idea.

I got two packages of Medjool dates, 5 ounces of chevre, and a container of raw shelled pistachios. In a medium bowl I mixed the goat cheese with 3 ounces of coarsely chopped pistachios. I then pitted all the dates, and filled them with chevre mixture. The only problem was, I couldn't try my creation for another few hours until the sun went down. So I enlisted the help of my less observant sister and cousin. I knew I had something when my sister Stella, who is a semi-to-very picky eater, gave her approval. The chevre stuffed dates were a welcome and simple addition to the break-fast spread.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out! By the way, what were you looking for when you came to the blog, that you didn't find? Maybe we can provide it next year!

All best,
Editor, The Jew & The Carrot