08 October 2008

Bog Across America

On a tip from seriouseats, I skipped out of the office and walked down to Rockerfeller Center to see a cranberry bog. Ocean Spray set it up yesterday right next to the skating rink as a promotional piece and it's there through Thurday. Cranberry farmers in hip-high waders walked through the bog giving informative talks on the whole cranberry harvesting process. Even though I come from Massachusetts, I've never been to see the famed Cape Cod cranberry farms, so the whole thing was new to me. Cranberries grow on low bushes in a bog until harvest time when the fields are flooded and a mechanical wheel is pushed through the bushes to gently nudge the berries free. If a cranberry is ripe, it'll float. And I must say, to see thousands of cranberries floating on the surface of the water is stunning. The picture doesn't do it justice. I appreciate the campaign, which continues next week in Los Angeles, because it gives people who might never see a cranberry bog a chance to take in its beauty before they see its fruits on their thanksgiving plate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey toss this up on the blog