03 November 2008

From the Omnivore's Dilemma

"So much about life in a global economy feels as though it has passed beyond the individual's control -what happens to our jobs, to the prices at the gas station, to the vote of the legislature. But somehow food still feels a little different. We can still decide, every day, what we're going to put in our bodies, what sort of food chain we want to participate in. We can, in other words, reject the industrial omelet on offer and decide to eat another. This might not sound like a big deal, but it could be the beginning of one. Already the desire on the part of consumers to put something different into their bodies has created an $11 billion market in organic food. That marketplace was built by consumers and farmers working informally together outside the system, with exactly no help from the government."


sb4i said...

well put....i'm ready for more...so.... keep lightin it up.

Mooner said...

And thats why I eat meat again—support an industry that sticks it to the man.

Only problem is at this point, I think most corporations can see the [money] writing on the wall, and are looking to get their share of the organic industry. While I'd like to think a grassroots movement like this wouldn't succumb to being swallowed up into the commercial food market, it remains to be seen...