13 February 2009

From China: Cooking Snakes and Fish Alive

Not for the faint of heart. A chef competition where you have to de-spine a live snake. Another one where the fish still has to be breathing on the plate. I consider myself an adventurous eater, but this is too much.


Mooner said...

Pardon me while I renew my ASPCA membership.

For the record, they do.

Mooner said...

ps. to soften the pain for those who actually just watched that: kittens inspired by kittens

M in B-ville said...

Thank you, Mooner, for the kittens reprieve! Not long ago it occurred to me, when I was lying in bed, ready to fall off to sleep, that somewhere nearby an animal was dying in agony or lonely, aching, dull pain. A squirrel, a mouse, some tender creature. So terrible to think of! And yet, that is the flip-side -- no, integral -- to the kittens, somehow.
To eat animals, fish we must kill them -- they (we) all will die in any event (that's too flip, but it will have to do for now). But to induce a slow, perhaps painful death in a creature who shares our mortality, to want to see the fish's mouth move on your plate? I don't know what to with that....